Aside from the activities that make up a community.. here are some questions we need to ask:
1) What do people fundamentally want in a community?
2) When does a group become a community?
3) Are small groups now their own communities and content with that size?
4) Has the definition of a community fundamentally changed?
5) Is the type of community that I was raised enjoying in church now outdated today?
6) What's the most popular type of community today?
These six questions are all valid, but I will focus on the first question, "What do people fundamentally want in a community?"
So here is what I think are universal traits that most people want in a community, whether or not they consciously know it:
-unconditional acceptance,
-relating with one another,
-a sense of family relationship,
-stress relief,
-support, and
-closer personal relationships. be continued...