I haven't been writing much on my blog here.. I deleted two posts that I started on, because I didn't have the drive to finish them.. And I have been moving slowly away from my interest in popularized science books and more in the direction of sci-fi books, but even my interest in that has lacking. I'm definitely a free inquirer and inquisitive about a lot of things, but something is changing.
I can have some very engaging conversations with people on science, philosophy, and ethical subjects. It still is very easy to come away from those conversations intellectually satisfied and I would generally get a book recommended to me. But there was a time when a book would be recommended to me and I would then, the next day, go to Powell's books, for example, so I could evaluate the book to see if it was to be the next book that I would read on my path of inquiry. But now I rarely follow through with going to check out a book, maybe.. because my path of books is coming to an end. If so, it was indeed a life altering 8 year path of reading popularized science, ethics, and philosophy books.
I think I'm still very much into some of philosophy; the ethical and moral aspects of it. But now I am also into belief, natural spirituality, and the intrinsically human aspects of religion; traditions that stay with us because they meet important needs in ourselves. Many secular individuals pride themselves in being self-sufficient, but together is better. Two people can accomplish certain things on a fulfilling level that one person can't..
For example, there are 5 topics that are best done with others and are not done justice by simply approaching them with our left brained, analytical mind:
natural spirituality,
relationships, and
Yes, these things are inter-connected and have similar themes woven into them, but they are also distinct from each other. They are also just as valid of realities in themselves as some of the more concrete topics that come out of the hard sciences!
And I'm not going to go the way of so many Atheists who think that there isn't anything you can learn from religion. I'm trying to return to the things that made me happy.
Most likely I'll never return to a sincere belief in the God of Christianity because that takes real faith.
To quote Benjamin Franklin: "To see by faith, one most close the eyes of reason." I feel that my eyes have been forever pried open by reason and science. But Christianity and a relationship with God is more of an experience and less of an intellectual stance, and I am returning to a spirituality in my life, though it is a natural one generated by my body and the environments I'm in. That doesn't take away from the experience, though, if I really get into it, and in these expiences I do feel much of the same sensations as when I was a Christian.
It has been about 4 months and a week since I wrote the above post...
June 25th, the date of this post, was also, little did I know, one of thee most important days of my life:
It was the day I met (the nickname I will call her) Qivonne, the girl who has changed the course of my life.. I first became aware of her on this day as she sat right there in the desk next to me in a media class we both happened to be taking in college.
What has transpired since then would fill a book, so I will only, for the purpose of this post, reply to the above last paragraph with how things have changed for me over these last 4 months... So my next Journal entry here will respond directly to the above last paragraph.. Ciao.